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Can not log on

Darren McKenna

I'm guessing it has to do with the new website but not 100% on that. It's been a while since I fired up iRacing, however when I turned on SimCommander, instead of logging on I got blank name and password. I tried resetting password to no avail. I had to re-register on this website because my old credentials failed to work.

I did send in a request for help and in my experience with this company, service has been second to none. 

3 Answers
Best Answer

This question appears to be a duplicate of How do I login to Sim Commander or the new website? | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies

We're in the process of upgrading our servers to help facilitate future innovation.

Over a month ago, we released a preemptive update to Sim Commander to ensure a seamless transition to our new servers. Unfortunately not everyone accepted the update before we made the move.

I think you probably just don't have the latest version of Sim Commander. The latest version will always be linked at the bottom of this page: Sim Commander 4 Software | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies

You will need to install this version, then thereafter, you will be able to get updates from within the software again.

I apologize for the inconvenience! We've never had a mechanism to force updates on users but are giving it serious consideration for Sim Commander 5, having learned how many of our customers are behind on updates during this process.

1 Comment
Darren McKenna

Thanks Berny, I did find the new ver of SimCommander, however I had to sign in a new account to access the website. I did not receive any notification in regards to the change. I would like to use my old credentials if possible. I can send another request for that. In the mean time I’m up and running just fine. Thanks for the quick reply.

Best Answer

Sim Commander 4 login (to set AccuForce wheel center) just now failed;  since driving the AccuForce controller directly from Assetto Corsa, it had evidently not been updated since before changes.

  • logged into

  • downloaded version from

  • that downloaded setup.exe installed over the old version

  • the updated Sim Commander 4 launched without asking for id and password

Best Answer

I didn't get the notification as well. Thanks for clarifying through this post. I would pin the post for a while.


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