Expert Update Troubleshooting & Testing

About Sim Commander Updates

Sim Commander 4 Updates have been designed to be highly reliable and never leave your Sim Commander software in a non-functional state even if an update fails when part way through the process.

Troubleshooting Sim Commander Updates

In the event of an update failure it is suggested that the user:

  •  Close Sim Commander  and any games/apps

  • Get ALL Windows Updates

  • Reboot PC

  • Verify that your internet connection is stable and online

  • Verify that no additional Windows Updates are available after the reboot

  • Close any unnecessary applications

  • Start Sim Commander and attempt the update once more

 In the many year Sim Commander history, we're aware of only 2 update failures worldwide that were not solved by the process prescribed above. These failures were related to an overly aggressive anti-virus / security software mistaking the way that the Sim Commander gathers data from games as a virus-like behavior and therefore halting the update process without warning or notification in some cases. If steps 1-7 above do not bring success, it is suggested that you follow steps 1-6 AGAIN, then temporarily disable your anti-virus//security software before starting Sim Commander and attempting the update once more.

 The Sim Commander keeps a VERY thorough log of the update process. If the steps above do not solve the update failure, as a last resort, you can zip and email the update log files to SimXperience Customer Support for software engineering review. The log files can be found in:

 C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Kjs.AppLife.Update\Kjs.AppLife.Update.Engine.XXXXXXXXXXXXX.log

Receiving Non-Public Updates

You will need to merge the following settings xml into the existing xml keys in your C:\Program Files (x86)\SimXperience\Sim Commander 4\Commander4.exe.config file. Here is the complete xml. 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="Kjs.AppLife.Update.Tester" value="true" />

 If you already have a <configuration> section in your file, then you would only add these lines inside it:

        <add key="Kjs.AppLife.Update.Tester" value="true" />

 If you already have a configuration and appsettings section, you would only add this line inside the appsettings:

 <add key="Kjs.AppLife.Update.Tester" value="true" />

 NOTE: On Windows 10, you may be unable to save changes directly to a file that is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\* so you may need to save the file changes to your desktop, then copy the file into the C:\Program Files (x86)\SimXperience\Sim Commander 4 folder.

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