Let me preface this by saying that (based on my own experience with everyone I have dealt within the company) I believe SimXperience offers some of the best and most personalized customer service and ticket response in the industry. So, what I am about to say is not meant as a knock against the company but rather as a constructive critique... With that said:
I understand and applaud the goals of the new forum format (to insure more accurate information) but I personally think the new forum has more problems than benefits. Part of the reason the forum is not working (as well as it might) is that the lines of communication (aside from frequent patch notes which are wonderful) between SimXP and its customers has shrunk to a dribble. I am afraid that without some way to see new posts (especially when there are two or more posts in the same subforum), questions are simply going unanswered. The end result is user to user interaction feels like it is at an all time low here. And, users are now turning to third party websites (like RaceDepartment) to get Accuforce/SC4 information. This means the information that gets out regarding the Accuforce/SC4 can no longer be curated for accuracy. (Note: this is not a knock on RaceDepartment as I consider them to be an invaluable resource as well).
I believe that in order for the forums to work better, we are gonna need a concentrated effort by SimXperience to push out more information within the forums. For instance, we have been waiting for an updated software compatibility list for nearly a year now. And, in the absence of a curated compatibility list, questions regarding older but still relevant titles like BeamNG have been completely ignored. (See Comment below Mr. Villers response for link). Even if the information isn't positive, users need to be kept in the loop especially on issues like SC4 working with MS' Store version of Forza Horizon 4 but NOT with Steam Forza Horizon 4. (I had no idea that this was even an issue until recently).
There is always room for improvement. So, if anyone else has any constructive suggestions... Lets hear em.
I'd love to see Search added to the All Forums page. It's frustrating to have to search in multiple forums for the same search term.