
Welcome to our new question & answer style forum. We hope this new format will help you to rapidly find answers to common usage and configuration questions. 

Please ask well formed questions and up vote answers that you find helpful. This forum is NOT for  bug submissions or instances where customer support is required.  Non-conforming posts will be rejected to preserve the integrity of this resource for future users.

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Let me preface this by saying that (based on my own experience with everyone I have dealt within the company) I believe SimXperience offers some of the best and most personalized customer service and ticket response in the industry.  So, what I am about to say is not meant as a knock against the company but rather as a constructive critique...  With that said:

I understand and applaud the goals of the new forum format (to insure more accurate information) but I personally think the new forum has more problems than benefits.  Part of the reason the forum is not working (as well as it might) is that the lines of communication (aside from frequent patch notes which are wonderful) between SimXP and its customers has shrunk to a dribble.  I am afraid that without some way to see new posts (especially when there are two or more posts in the same subforum), questions are simply going unanswered.  The end result is user to user interaction feels like it is at an all time low here.  And, users are now turning to third party websites (like RaceDepartment) to get Accuforce/SC4 information.  This means the information that gets out regarding the Accuforce/SC4 can no longer be curated for accuracy.  (Note:  this is not a knock on RaceDepartment as I consider them to be an invaluable resource as well).

I believe that in order for the forums to work better, we are gonna need a concentrated effort by SimXperience to push out more information within the forums.  For instance, we have been waiting for an updated software compatibility list for nearly a year now.  And, in the absence of a curated compatibility list, questions regarding older but still relevant titles like BeamNG have been completely ignored.  (See Comment below Mr. Villers response for link).  Even if the information isn't positive, users need to be kept in the loop especially on issues like SC4 working with MS' Store version of Forza Horizon 4 but NOT with Steam Forza Horizon 4.  (I had no idea that this was even an issue until recently).

There is always room for improvement.  So, if anyone else has any constructive suggestions...  Lets hear em.


I'd love to see Search added to the All Forums page. It's frustrating to have to search in multiple forums for the same search term.

A sincere thank you for the feedback. We're always looking at ways to improve the customer experience. 

The forum situation here is a mixed bag.

I agree that user to user posting is at an all-time low. On the other hand, as a result of that, information accuracy is at an all-time high and redundant posts are at an all-time low. If you go somewhere like Race Department, there is about an 80% chance that you'll get bad advice from another user. I love the idea of having a true sense of community here. I also love the idea of users being able to easily get accurate answers without having to sift through a bunch of duplicate postings and incorrect answers.

I'm aware of the posts in the forum that have gone unanswered. In total there are 14 and I have a dynamic list of them for when I get a free moment. Note that some of these are simply thank you posts to our staff. Some others are duplicates that need cleaned up, some are commentary or reviews that require no answer and some legitimately need addressed.

Note: There is nothing on the dynamic list of unanswered posts about BeamNG. My guess is that some user mistakenly posted his comment as an answer, so it never got brought to our attention.

The majority of our efforts have gone into providing information in the Learning Center. For example, this document that gives a pretty thorough overview of managing games in Sim Commander, including a list of supported games: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/managing-games-in-sim-commander-97

We're always working to improve the documentation. If you find an issue with any of it, please feel free to reach out and bring it to our attention.

To be honest, we're pleased that the forums aren't full of useless information and that people are utilizing our support team to get assistance. If we didn't have a good support team, you would probably find a long list of posts saying something like "Assetto Corsa Doesn't Work" or "iRacing is Broken" or other inaccurate, brand tarnishing statements that you find in the forums of companies who's users have no choice but to support each other. Of course iRacing and Assetto Corsa support work just fine. 99% of the time the users have some sort of misconfiguration that they need help with that may or may not even be SimXperience related. Having this in a help desk allows us to track common issues and try to develop improved documentation or software solutions such as the new game record validation/warning system we released a few months ago.

The lack of a new post mechanism that spans all of the sub-forums is tragic. I have submitted this request to Odoo, the developers of our ERP / website package. We've also asked for a single search that will cover all of the sub-forums. There is no word yet as to whether or not this will be included in the Odoo 15 release which we will be upgrading to mid-year. As it stands today, the best way to find information on our website is via a SimXperience only google search and that is quite disappointing. Here is the google search. You simply add your search term after the site:simxperience.com in their search box. This works for any website: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Asimxperience.com

In short, we're not displeased with the fact that this has become less of a place to shoot the shit and more of a place where you can find accurate answers, but we completely agree that the forum software itself needs improvement. 


I absolutely respect your answers. Listing the BeamNg question solely as an example from Aug 2021... https://www.simxperience.com/forum/general-community-q-a-1/will-beamng-drive-be-supported-218

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