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4 Replies

Hello guys,

BeamNG is growing massively in driving physics and playerbase, actually it is more played than AC, ACC or rF2 (source: steamcharts.com).

That game is amazing to drive, I just miss my basshaskers to work. Is there any possibility?

Thank you very much.


We were told some time ago that BeamNG was among the next titles for SimXP to be working on. At this point, I am really surprised at the lack of answer by SimXP. I had also asked about this title about a month ago but read that a new list of compatible games was being worked on so I did not press the matter any further. Hoping Bernie is just on vacation or something...

I second this request - would love to see Beam.NG supported, especially as other simulators show that it can be done.

This game keeps on growing and it just had its 0.24 update which supposedly dramatically improved FFB in general. BeamNg.drive has had constant work behind the scenes and looks to be in a great place right now. This sim game is only going to get more and more relevant and I would love to see this game supported.

Initial BeamNG Drive support has been released in version, which can be downloaded via the Downloads page on this website.

Thanks Bernard. Great news. I did see it in the update notes

Me too I would love to have my af1 gs5 and g-belt to be fully operational on BeamNG!!


Same here - BeamNG plugin is not working with SX3000/SCN5/SimVibe! 

Sometimes (not reproducible), a short impulse is noticeable. But that´s it.

Bernard, can you please help?


Please open a support ticket. I'm not seeing any problems with it here, so we'll need to collect more detail.

Hi Bernard, thanks for your reply! I'll open a support ticket. Cheers!

Initial BeamNG Drive support has been released in version, which can be downloaded via the Downloads page on this website.


I just discovered that the plugin is finally here, but only the game ffb works, no road bumps or foundation feedback.  I haven't got my simvibe hardware setup at the moment so I cannot test that. I work for them so I can mediate if need be.


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