I've started using steering foundation after I couldn't smooth out a lot of wheel chatter from game ffb. I love it, I really do. With cloud tuning though, it always sets itself at too high an intensity to be usable. It just feels heavily dampened with no feedback whilst driving at all. On the sims I use I have locked the setting to about 100% but have to add in extra layers like bumps and front bumps. I thought steering foundation would be able to give me that connected feel on its own. Is this a issue with the AI learning, because I remember at the start it set itself at 400% and it wasn't ready to be used?
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The Steering Foundation effect wasn't originally part of our 4 year cloud tuning data collection effort. We've since added steering foundation as a supported cloud tune effect, but the data is still being gathered. You will find that cloud-tuned steering foundation is spot on for some car/track combos and not for others. This will continue to improve with time as we collect additional data.
Thanks for the reply. One more query. Just after passing the finish line (in any sim) the steering does a viscious jolt to the right and you get a large impact from Simvibe. This is like when Simcommander used to log your laps. Is this still happening because it's logging for the cloud? The only setting I see within Simcommander is Motion logging which isn't enabled. Is there any workaround for this problem?
This "Jolt" you talk about, I've experienced that as well, always when crossing the s/f line.
Agree - I don't feel the Jolt in IRacing, but ACC will knock the piss out of ya! It isn't consistent, but it is frequent.