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2 Replies

I've been using R3E lately and am enjoying it a lot.
My problem is I have a bad left shoulder so I limit the cloud profile to 60 to 70% FF and 180 degrees rotation (due to my shoulder).
Using R3E, when I steer, I feel the resistance in the wheel when I'm getting to the 180 degree mark but can go past it without too much effort, is there a setting in either SC4 or in game to force a "Hard Lock" so the wheel will not go beyond what I set the degrees of rotation to for R3E?

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated, I've tried a few things in both SC4 and in game without success.

Regards: Jack


Thank you Bernie, I tried your first suggestion and that seems to have done the trick. :)

Regards: Jack


Instead of limiting the AccuForce device overall to 60 or 70% intensity, you can leave that setting at 95% and then reduce the Game Force Feedback effect to 60 or 70%. 

This will behave identically to what you have now, except it will allow more torque to be provided for Sim Commander effects. If you set the degrees of rotation in Sim Commander, you'll get stronger hard stops.

The other way to do this is to use a default Sim Commander profile which won't have the Game FFB effect or the overall device intensity reduced. Then, inside R3E, adjust their FFB strength setting to be lower for your shoulder. They will then have full power available to enforce the hard stops they see fit.


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