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Hello, with the latest Sim Commander 4 I get a yellow exclamation mark at the top of each profile. I do have some mods made to the settings for each profiles (even the cloud based ones) because I have to, I have a bad left shoulder and I cannot handle full forces and high degrees of rotation, so I had turned those down in the profiles. Is the Yellow Exclamation mark affecting anything or is it just a marker saying I'm not using defaults?
My wheel is a Accuforce V2 Pro.

Regards: Jack


If you click the yellow exclamation mark, it will tell you what is wrong and offer to fix it for you in most cases.

The issue will not be related to your profile personalization. It is more likely to be another issue revolving around your game configuration record, etc.. and Sim Commander can likely fix it for you which will ensure that your simulator operates correctly. 

Here is more detail on how validation warnings work: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/understanding-configuration-warnings-95


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