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2 Replies

Hi everyone

I was wondering if siimcommander has a setting similar to the static force reduction on the Simucube software?




Thanks for your reply.

That's not what I'm looking for. 

If I understand it correctly, static force reduction reduces the strength of the wheel in corners. The idea being you can turn up the force to be strong on a straight but on a corner it reduces the force so it's not overpowering.


Not exactly sure what you are looking for, but I think you are looking for the Intensity setting, which controls the overall strength of the force feedback.

If you are looking to control the feel of the wheel in a basically unpowered state, the AccuForce has minimal rotating mass compared to other wheels and no real need for such a setting. It's super-light when instructed to provide 0 force by a game assuming you haven't applied a lot of dampening or friction with other settings.


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