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2 Replies

I'm mainly interested in DCS and happy to see official support being added - thank you.

Given a GS-5 with G-Belt, what is an ideal setup in terms of number and placement of SimVibes and/or other accessories? Or is it better to fit transducer pucks directly into the GS-5 plates?  Or both?

Generally I'm trying to figure out what makes the most sense in terms of the price / experience sweet spot and would be interested in official or unofficial recommendations or shared experience. Thank you.


I've read that Sim Commander requires DCS Standalone to work properly. Is the Steam version supported yet and, if not, when is this likely to happen if at all?


Sim Commander currently has good DCS support for all motion devices, GS-5 G-Seat and G-Belt. Flight specific SimVibe effects are work in progress. They got put on the back burner while we re-wrote portions of the Sim Commander underpinnings to transition away from Microsft's .Net Framework and move to a cross platform .Net 6 architecture.

With Sim Commander 4.5 released using this new architecture, I would expect SimVibe flight development to resume in 2-3 weeks after everything settles down from the transition. 


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