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How to point to Content Mgr in SC4 Games Basic Settings?

Randy Flowers


Now that everything reloaded, I need to modify my Games Basic Settings so that it points to Content Manager

However, if i want to use Content Manager to launch races, how do the settings on the attached screen need to look?  I had asked this question before and got it figured out, but the old website is gone, so don't remember what the settings were exactly



1 Comment
Randy Flowers

Is anyone actually looking at this forum yet? Can anyone answer the above?

1 Answer
Best Answer

Try this (I haven't verified it works, but it looks right from the time I tried it before).  Found it at: Simxperience FB owners club | Facebook

May be an image of text that says 'Basic Settings Name Content Manager Game Plugin Game Exe Assetto Corsa Game Plugin Description CNUsersShikolDesktoplContent Manage exe Assetto Corsa Game Runs on Local PC Advanced Parameters sient Wait On AssettoCorsa exe, Content Manager exe Watch For This Game Το Be Started Outside The Commander Connected same Until Manually Disconnect'

1 Comment
Randy Flowers

Yeah, did it that way the other night and it does work, but i didn't list both AssettoCorsa.exe and Content Manager.exe in the 'Advanced - Wait On' line, just listed Content Manager.exe, and it works just fine so far.


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