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I have ththe Accuforce ProV2 wheel and absolutely love it,  unfortunately I’m an older guy with some shoulder problems.    So my question is what is the best way to lower the peak or max power of the wheel without losing the lower end feedback.    Specifically which of these should I lower. 

Should I change the device setting to a softer value : - recruit, soft, default  ect.  

Or should I change the percentage within the default setting to a lower value?    

OR if there is a better way to change it please let me know.   

I know of 2 other older guys who have the same problem ( one of them sold

his wheel and bought a cheapo 5nm  other brand) so I think it’s a valid issue that deserves attention. 


Installing a larger diameter steering wheel would provide some relief.

Try changing the mode to the one that is closest to comfortable for you. Then raise or lower the Overall AccuForce device intensity for the last little bit of personalization.


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