I can’t figure out how to map the AFV2 wheel buttons and paddle shifters in iracing on PC. when I click the paddle shifters, the two red lights next to the thin toggle switches start blinking red on and off.
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I assume you are referring to the wireless wheel button box. In that case, it needs to be connected to the PC via Bluetooth. Please refer to the Wireless Button Box Quick Start Guide here: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/wireless-quick-start-guide-89
NOTE: The wireless wheel button box is a standalone Bluetooth device. It will work with any brand of wheel. It just needs connected to the PC via Bluetooth. Most PC's have Bluetooth. If for some reason you don't have one or have performance issues with the one you have, you can obtain a high-performance USB version from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DJ83070/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
The problem turned out to be twofold:
First, on the accuforce v2 quick start guide there is no mention at all that the buttons are connected by Bluetooth. I assumed they connected by USB. I recommend adding that to the quick start guide because it’s not intuitive to the customer.
Next, in step 5 of the wireless button box guide, I was searching for the item called SIMEXPERINCE or whatever you say in the documentation. When I called tech support today he paired my Bluetooth to something like BB705 (how the heck would anyone know to choose that when the directions tell you to look for something else)
I recommend changing that in your quick start guide at step 5 to reflect the actual name(s) of the device.
Now it’s all working fine but the process was not at all intuitive to the customer.