AccuForce V2 Community Q&A


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Will using a spacer damage the shaft on my wheelbase?

Mark D Lewis

I will be using a new Gomez Industries formula rim (with screen) on my Accuforce V2. I am attaching that to an Accuforce Quick Release using a 50mm spacer. Do I risk damaging the shaft on my wheelbase by using the spacer?

Love my Accuforce GT and Formula Style rims just want to try a wheel with a built in screen.


1 Answer
Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

The AccuForce can handle a lot of radial load so the extension is no problem. What you want to watch out for is axial load. You don't want to stand the motor upright and apply a lot of weight to the motor shaft in a direction that would push it directly rearward.

1 Comment
Mark D Lewis

Thanks. My simulator does not roll over or go end-to-end so this will be safe! Not saying the cars I drive don't do some odd things sometimes....

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