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Apologies if this has been stated (I could not locate it), but do all Accuforce wheels share same VID/PID, ie this?: 


Really need it for my project. I mean to know if both use the same or if it is separate and I am missing it, what the other one is. The above one is featured in 2015 posts at ISRT defunct forum and is AF1 supposedly, but latest games from Codies/EA list it against accuforce, w/o specifying which, one would have presumed the latest only or both, if it is the same one.

Could any owners of these wheels check in windows, going to Devices and Printers, right clicking on the wheel's entry and selecting properties, then click Hardware tab, selecting Hid Compliant Game Controller and clicking Properties button below, then switch to Details tab and finally scroll the Property box down to Hardware IDSs entry. It'd show things like VID_1FC9&PID_804C in one of the entries.

thank you in advance!


VID_1FC9&PID_804C are accurate for the consumer facing versions of AccuForce V1 and AccuForce V2.

There are some other variants of the AccuForce for professionals, but I don't expect these would be in use with the Codemasters or EA ecosystem. They are on ridiculously expensive race team simulators. 


Much appreciated Bernard, thanks!

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