AccuForce V2 Community Q&A


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New Accuforce DD 30Nm of torque

So I just got off the phone with simXperience and they told me that in the near future their coming out with a 30Nm torque DD. Has you not heard of this? If so, is there any literature on this?

2 Answers
Best Answer

We have long had an AccuForce Xtreme which was in the 22-30Nm range depending on the motor it was optioned with. This has only been available to race teams and pro drivers for the last many years but may make its way to the public this year.

1 Comment
Steven A Wood

Can you please elaborate on this? I would definitely like to know more about this and I know the rest of the AF Sim community would love to know about it

Igor Kos
Best Answer

I would like to know when you plan to release it. I am currently using one of the first Accuforce DD and thinking about to get a new DD with more power. It would be great to be able to stay with Simxperience.


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