AccuForce V2 Community Q&A


Welcome to our new question & answer style forum. We hope this new format will help you to rapidly find answers to common usage and configuration questions. 

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Le Mans Ultimate


With the game heavily founded on rF2's engine will we see support for SImcommander and Accuforce wheels anytime soon? 

1 Answer
Christophe O.
Best Answer

Seems LMU isn t full compatible with rF2's .. have some limitations with simhub and my home made button box. and my motion ( simfeedback) doesn`t work at all with rF2's plugin neither

I dunno want to start another thread for LMU so here is my question.

Since we have the LMU generic game launch button under simcommander I m wondering why this reset the Graphic option ?

I ve finally find a way to have my triple screen working ( manually modififying the DX11 user file) then I ve discover that Simcommander overwrite this file at game launch ?!

If I start the game from steam no issue .. Each time I start the game from Simcommander I m back to single screen.  Having the Dx11 file opened in Notepad++ I can clearly see some options are overwritted there.


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