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Its been a while, but with the advancement of DD wheels onto the market, can we expect a V3 version thats not a stepper motor appear soon?


Just bumping this back up. I know a lot of the sim world would love to see a new V3 wheel around the 20-25nm!

I wouldn't expect to see any new sim racing wheel bases in 2021. If you see a new wheel released this year, you can almost bet that it isn't using a quality microcontroller chip. Even the automobile manufacturers can't obtain chips right now.

I should also mention that the AccuForce doesn't use a typical stepper approach or a typical stepper motor. The motor is customized to be much smoother and the motor control approach is not stepper or servo, it's a more advanced hybrid approach that combines the best of both and isn't well understood in the market yet unfortunately.

More here: Hybrid Stepper Servo vs Traditional Stepper vs Traditional Servo | SimXperience


Hi are you able to give an update on if you are in the process of making or designing a v3 wheel ? If its even on the cards.

Save yourself some money and alot of time.  I bought the moza R21 and returned it after 1 weekend.  Software sucks, had connection issues with the wirless button box.  Dead wheel several times and had to exit game to even get it to work.  Simucube, well its much better but software is for more of an expert user.  I personally realized the value of the sim commander and its telemetry based ffb.  I am returning the simubube pro and sticking with the AF.  I dont think AF is talked about much and people who have never ran one dont know what they are missing. 

Mr Villers, could you at least tell us either way if we can see an AFv3?  If not, could you design a version of sim commander the would work on multiple DD's and sell licenses for it?  I personally like the telemetry base ffb better then the directinput.



I very much appreciate your detailed answer about the technology used in the Accuforce wheels (I own the v1). However I feel the technology does not match what is done in the latest competition counterparts. In detail, subtility, speed, smoothness, etc etc. Detailed reviews and comparaisons of indépendant reviewers (like Barry Roland in the simracing garage) all come to the conclusion that the AF is behind. 

I really really would like to stay with Simxperience products (I also have the GS5 and g-belt) so I'm impatiently waiting for you to come out with a V3 maybe using similar (or better) technology as the competition.

Could you please give us an idea on whether this is planned and by when? 

With that information I hope I can stretch my patience and wait for you.

Thanks a lot,



Wow, Simxperience likes to take it's time on answering this question

Same here I have a V1, my Daughter has a V2 and I would love to see a higher NM offering of the wheel to release to compete with the others on the market.

I've used two of the big name wheels and they aren't even close to how good the V2 is. (This is in my opinion) 


It's been well over a year since this was asked and was wondering if there has been any more thoughts of a V3 coming out?


...still watching this thread, and not seeing any feedback. Would *love* to see a new version!

dont care factor is where I'm at, will buy a simucube next.

@Jason, I just bought the simuvube pro, that is after returning the Moza R21 last week. Personally, I think I am going to return it as well. Turns out, What Barry Rowlands and all the other reviews out there dont mention. How valueable Sim commander is. Telemetry based force feedback is only found on the AF, I just spend $4000 in 2 weeks trying out the competition and While the motors are smoother and stronger, you get that terrible feedback iracing puts out. I have always ran the Fffb foundation without game ffb and for that reason i am sticking with AF. Also, FYI, if you run a motion rig and use sim racing studio, be warned your Simucube will go dead, I assume from constant serial scanning. Dont have that issue with sim commander.

@jason I came back from having a Simucube Pro 2 in May and so did a friend last month. It’s night and day better for oval racing. I was getting beat in every race on the long run with the Simucube no matter the settings I chose or how much I changed my driving style. Once I moved back to the AF I instantly regained my long run speed and I’m not looking back. I finally convinced a friend to test out the AF and he too swapped because he started to get the long run speed as well. Would love a V3 though to compete with the better bases out there.

Thanks for the feedback on Simucube. Love my Accuforce V2 but I friend is looking for a DD wheel and asked me about Simucube so I was wondering. I will certainly buy any upgraded Accuforce that ever comes out.

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