AccuForce V2 Community Q&A


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Foundation FFB and Cloud Tuning

Mark D Lewis

Does Cloud tuning now work with Foundation FFB? I remember this being discussed some time ago but don't remember what the end answer was.

Very happy with Cloud Tuning with Game FFB on iRacing and especially rFacto2. I am looking to run Assetto Corsa to practice at Watkins Glen in a Cayman ClubSport MR and am wondering if Foundation FFB might give me a better feel in AC.

If iRacing would update their Watkins Glen track or rFactor 2 add a Cayman I would not be dealing with AC?


1 Answer
Best Answer

Cloud tuning is an ever-improving technology.

Each week the database is recalculated with a combination of the last 4 years of data plus any valid new data that has arrived.

Originally cloud tuning did not include data for the steering foundation effect, but for the last many months it has been slowly getting filled in for each game/car/track. I don't have any exact coverage stats off the top of my head, but it is likely that any common car/tracks are now covered.


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