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3 Replies


I would like to buy WRC 10 but I am not sure if it works with Accuforce and SimCommander.  If anyone knows, please advise me.


I wrote a very long answer to this but I seem to have lost it when trying to post...  Short version:


WRC 10 lacks open telemetry, VR and modern graphics (even when maxed out on a 2080ti).  As such, I would classify it as an overpriced Wreckfest Competitor.  That said, If you like Wreckfest, you'll probably like WRC 10.

I did manage to get the Accuforce Pro V2, Clubsport Pedals V3, TH8a shifter, and Fanatec Handbrake all working in WRC 10 by making a new preset controller within the game.  However, as you guessed, WRC 10 does NOT take advantage of SimCommander, so I found force feedback on the Accuforce Pro V2 to be especially weak even when turned up to 150 percent within the game sliders.  Keep in mind that weak force feedback is far better than no force feedback...

I would also note that the WRC 10 developers appear to have favored controllers (other than wheels) as some stage times do seem a bit unrealistic with a wheel.  I am hopeful that since Fanatec is a prominent sponsor in this game, further CSL DD wheel tuning MAY indirectly benefit us Accuforce users as well.

In the meantime, I encourage the folks at SimXperience to work closer with ALL Developers to encourage open telemetry and develop timely and meaningful plugins for games like Forza Horizon 5, BeamNG, Wreckfest, WRC 10, etc. Because, without those plugins, these "modern" games feel like they came out in 2005 or so.

On the other hand, given the exclusive Fanatec (and I think DBox) sponsorship of WRC 10, getting open telemetry may not have been a feasible goal here.

P.S.  I will continue to dabble with WRC 10 in hopes that telemetry does become available.  So, happy to answer any further questions about it.


Hi, thanks fwyflyer and Corey.  It's very helpful.

I will try the WRC Telemetry Patch.  But I didn't know that we could add the game to SC4 manually...  I always clicked autodiscovery button and it did not find non-supported game.


There's a plugin on Race Department called "WRC Telemetry Patch" that lets Sim Commander use the game's telemetry.  You just have to add the game to SC4 manually, and point it to an .exe that comes with the patch.  I've only been able to try it for half an hour or so, but it does work and the FFB and physics feel a good bit better than WRC9.  


Tried the WRC 10 telemetry patch 1.2 after today's steam update. I can confirm it works reasonably well with the Accuforce and SimCommander.


I purchased WRC 10 and installed the telemetry patch 1.2 but I am still struggling to make it works properly. I can get only the game original FFB but no FFB Foundation of SC4 either no simvibe effect. I cannot make Simhub Dash works, either. The DirtRally2 UDP converter windows shows repeatedly "No telemetry update within timeout -- Telemetry stream lost -- Telemetry stream detected -- ..."

Maybe my setting to add WRC10 into SC4 was wrong.

Could you teach me how to do it? Which "Game Plugin" to select, for example?

Since I have played hundreds of hours of dirt rally 2.0, I already had a profile set up for it. I duplicated that profile and renamed it: Dirt Rally 2.0 --> WRC. I ran the dirt rally exe which says no telemetry update within timeout like you did. And, then I ran the duplicated SC4 profile referenced above. That's really all there was to it.

Rephrasing for clarity: Run the dirtrally exe from the wrc directory. Manually run WRC 10 from Steam. Alt-tab and then Run your duplicated dirt rally 2.0 profile in SimCommander and it will automatically connect. If that doesn't work, switch the order of the last two steps.


Thanks a lot. In fact that SC4 seems connected to the game as I can adjust FFB intensity through SC4 setting. But if I turn off the "Game Force Feedback" and turn on only "Steering Feedback Foundation", no FFB at all. In addition, nothing on Simvibe. I think that the telemetry is not sent or SC4 cannot receive any telemetry data.

I can still play with the game original FFB but it's a bit terrible feeling, without any feel of car sliding like DR2. The wheel sensitivity is too loose to drive even at 540° setting.


Finally I found the way. In the property of DirtRally2.0.exe shortcut, /port 10001 /protocol extradata3 needs to be added (I found in the forum here: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/wrc-telemetry-patch-1-1.15774/ ). Then I tried with copy of DirtRally (DirtRally1, not DR2). The port number should be the same as in your hardware config file, if it is 20777, no need to add the port number. SimHub can also work through UDP port forwarding.

However, the Foundation FFB is terribly bad, and Simvibe gives almost constant and little vibration. I hope it will be improved in the future.

Regarding the slow response of the steering wheel, the only way to improve is to reduce the steering saturation to very small value like 50 or so. This seems a problem of the WRC game controller input.

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