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There was a post on the old forums tracking all the aftermarket wheels that are known to fit. Does anyone have that list still? I’m looking for a gt style and formula style


Taken from the old Accuforce Wheel Owners forum.  Note this is an old post and not all links/photos are available or are valid.

I posted this over on the iRacing forums and someone suggested I post it here since this is the home of the AccuForce. I couldn't agree more so here's a copy/paste of the thread. I will update this over time to try to keep the full list here at the top of the thread....

Now that the AF has been out for a bit and people are starting to add aftermarket rims, I thought it might be nice to have a thread that lists ONLY those rims that people can confirm to fit with the AF OEM button box without heavy modding. 

There are a lot of rims that can be made to work with custom button boxes but for those that want to do a quick swap to a rim that will fit with the OEM button box list them here. If possible, please post a photo and price so folks can see what the rim looks like and get an idea on cost. 

I'll start it off with this wheel and attempt to update the thread as the list builds: 

It's the NRG ST-009R 320mm rim. Comes in Leather, Suede, Leather/Suede combo, and real Carbon Fiber. Prices range from $119 to $299. I can personally attest to the awesome build quality of the leather/suede combo. All the beauty of a suede rim with the grip section in soft leather. 



NRG ST-009R (All types)

Omp trecento 300mm 

Momo Team 300 

Sparco P310 

OMP Kubic 

Sparco P104 310mm cut top w/orange and white stripes (Sparco Kock-off? on Ebay)

Momo mod27c - (spacer required see below) 

OMP Superquadro

Momo Mod 30

RMD 285mm Flat Bottom (photo and link below)

Momo Team 280

Momo mod 27 290mm with spacer

Sparco P300

NOTE: I just wanted to add a note regarding the need for spacers for some of the wheel rims. If you see the excellent photos in Stephan's post regarding the Momo Mod 27c you will see where the bottom of some rims can interfere with the bottom of the button box (very bottom where the USB and Phone-type connections are located). 

After much searching I can point you in a couple different directions to find spacers that will work. The first is from NRG. You can find their spacer here: http://www\.getnrg\.com/pr\.\.\.se\-accessories/srk\-500bk\ \.\ It's\ a\ good\ spacer\ that\ should\ work\ fine\ but\ at\ \$25,\ I\ thought\ it\ was\ a\ little\ steep\ for\ our\ needs\.\ 

In\ steps\ Sam\ Maxwell\ Customs\.\.\.\ http://www.sammaxwellcustoms.com/ Same has a spacer that will work great for our needs. At only $10 it's pretty hard to beat AND you get the satisfaction of supporting one of the best one-man-sim-hardware guys in the business.



I think the old forum is still accessible - this is the post


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