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I drive with 100% FFB all the time... i tune the settings with cloud tune.

FFB effects: Game FFB, FFB effects, rear traction loss, front suspension bumps, lateral g forces.

When i drive iracing, everything is perfect, yet when i drive AC the motor itself makes a lot of noises... its worse on mods. Its so loud it can be heard even while wearing headphones. Its a lot less loud if i turn FFB down to 40-50%

Am i doing something wrong? Are there recommended IN-GAME settings for AC and the accuforce v2?

can driving AC at 100% damage the motor?


The AccuForce is capable of a substantial frequency range, even into the audible, but still felt in the hands range of frequencies.

As you noted, most games don't ask a wheel to reproduce these frequencies but it seems the some of the Assetto Corsa mods are. It's likely that thy don't realize this because they aren't testing with a wheel capable if this level of detail. 

It's not going to hurt your AccuForce in any way, so no worries there.

I believe that Assetto Corsa has some filtering options in their settings to filter this out, but I can't point you to it off the top of my head.


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