Game just came out, but is there a plan to have AC Evo be supported and recognized by Sim Commander in the near future? Honestly, game feels great as a plug and play experience, with a bit of tinkering in-game.
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Great news, will give it a try, thanks
Yes. We have Assetto Corsa Evo running on the demo simulators here as of yesterday. It's clear that they are about half way done with their implementation of shared memory for 3rd party integrations like this. However, we will be releasing an experimental download this weekend for those that want to test with what they have currently. Given how early their release is, it's actually pretty good in my opinion.
UPDATE: You can download the latest version of Sim Commander (which includes Assetto Corsa Evo Support) here:
downloads | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies
An in-app update will be available on Monday, but if you don't want to wait, the download is available now. Just install the latest version atop your existing version (with Sim Commander closed of course).
You can download the latest version of Sim Commander (which includes Assetto Corsa Evo Support) here: downloads | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies
An in-app update will be available on Monday, but if you don't want to wait, the download is available now. Just install the latest version atop your existing version (with Sim Commander closed of course).