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With the recent updates, iRacing is incorporating a 360hz option into its Sim for the wheel bases. Is this something that could be applied to the AF wheels? 


@Bernard - please comment on iRacing's latest updates on 360hz! Thanks :-)

Hi Steven,

This 360Hz concept has been around with iRacing for a very long time in various forms. In short, there is no advantage to you. iRacing would be sending 1 current steering force value along with 5 historical values (from earlier moments in time). 

They say this:

Basically we run our physics at 60 Hz (based on the real world clock) but internally we run the physics in an inner loop at 360 Hz (based on the sim clock). So we can't actually update the wheel more than 60 times a second, although we do have data points available at 360 Hz.

This is a back door that allows us to send that 360 Hz signal to the wheel 60 times a second, then the wheel firmware can play back those samples, with the appropriate delays, to recreate the 360 Hz signal. This adds 16 ms of latency but gives a nice kick in frequency, it is a trade off. This is really no different than irFFB, other than it is faster (less latency) and it is baked into the sim so you don't have to run a separate tool to make it work.

The AccuForce already upsamples their 60Hz data to far beyond 360Hz in firmware at a hardware level without the lag induced by their new feature.



I understand this, but I am not sure if you are tracking the implementations iRacing is doing for the wheel bases. They already have native 360hz working with Logitech wheels and they are currently working with Simucube and I think others to bring it to those wheel bases as well. You are correct that it will be like irFFB, but from my understanding without any of the latency that it brings since it's built in and not trying to add it to the default 60hz signals sent. So just trying to see if it would be beneficial for your team to try and work with iRacing as well so that SimCommander/Accuforce can start at a 360Hz base and then upsample past that if needed since theoretically there would be no lag introduced with iRacing's new 360Hz support. I am not sure if this would help, hurt or even work, but just curious to see your thoughts. This is one of the threads I was looking at and I am referring about if you or your team has not seen it. https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/38095/the-360hz-ffb-isn-t-just-for-logitech-is-it/p4

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