Stage Series Motion Q&A


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SX4000 Seen in windows but not by Simcommander4

Brian Clancy

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Bernard Villers Jr
on 01/04/2022 23:22:16

Hi All

Having a strange issue, did the latest update and simcommander cannot see the SX4000 on my stage 4 rig. Windows see's the SX4000 in both devices and printer and in device manager and it reports as functioning correctly... So I have done all the usual stuff, uninstalled the SX4000 and drivers, reinstalled and installed fresh drivers, reinstalled Simcommander, tried new USB Lead/port etc etc. All the above a few times to no avail. Windows sees it but simcommander will not see the SX400. Drivers are present and correct and im running out of ideas? Has my unit failed?
