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My controller box has been in a spare bedroom for about a year. I finally got into a new place where I can setup my sim and built a new PC, but the sx3000 controller isn't showing up in DM, and my motor's serial numbers are not showing up in the Sim Commander drop down where we assign which motor goes to which side.

I've tried changing ports on the PC, and disconnecting the motors from the sx3000 ctrl box, device manager still doesn't recognize the controller.

Has anyone had an issue like this? The only thing I haven't tried yet is a new USB cable. 


This shouldn't happen with Windows 11. If you are still on Windows 7 or 10, then you might need to take some additional steps to get Windows Updates to install the driver. Also, if your Windows isn't properly licensed, Windows update may not properly detect and install the SX-3000 driver.


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