Can anyone tell me if I want to limit the max RTL actuator travel but maintain the “responsiveness” to a traction loss event, should I lower the intensity % or should I lower the max degree number?
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I think somewhere I saw set it to 1 - 8 for paved racing but go to 1-50 or 1-75 if it's a sim with a lot of drifting/sliding like rallying or dirt track racing. Haven't tried it yet so can't say for sure. Damping effect?
Looked at mine and my comment below seems to be about what I read about something else, sorry.
I think, if you use Stroke Limit filter you can adjust the actuator travel but maintain the “responsiveness”.
Would like to know as well. When I use my rig with DR2.0, its fine, when I use it with Ac, it goes off the rails on one side every game. I can't seem to limit its travel for that game despite using same settings.