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I'm having issue with my Windows (not being able to update), I planned to run a clean reinstall the Windows to eliminate the issue - through I couldn't get it fixed with multiple suggestions from online.

I planned to disable the Sim Commander and back up everything (I haven't use the new cloud, yet...)

But my concern about after Window reinstall - getting Stage 3 back to work again. I remember when I assembled it and I had trouble getting it running and I ended up asked someone at SimXperience to do a remote to fix the issue. I remember he had to use Windows Update sub-menu to get those actuators to work. 

The question is, once I got the Windows reinstalled - will I have to go through getting actuators to recognized by Windows again? 


Hi John,

You should do/prepare the following before you rebuild Windows to make the process as seamless as possible:

-Uninstall Sim Commander from your current PC to free up a license

-Make note of your Sim Commander license code. (You'll need it when reinstalling). You can find it on our website at the bottom of your order.

-Note your actuator serial numbers. You'll need to know which actuator is left, right and rear.

Beyond that, you may need the following knowledge:

Driver installation guidance, depending on what flavor of Windows you install: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/sx-4000-driver-installation-73

How to Auto-Discover Games In Sim Commander: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/how-to-auto-discover-games-profiles-47?search_category=44


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