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In the simcommander chassis/device manager when I click on the front right to fire the short pulse to that corner, it works like expected.  However, @ the front left corner only the sound is being transmitted, with no firing of the buttkicker for that corner.   I am plugged into the green/front channel of the sound card.  

I've been using this buttkicker/amp/simvibe/simcommander combo for quite a few years, pretty much without flaw.    I disconnected all the USB/Video/Sound/power etc.from the rear of the computer to in order to gain access to install a video card.  Upon reassembly, this is the state.



Best Answer

It's not likely to be related to Sim Commander or SimVibe. You can prove this by closing Sim Commander and testing using the Windows control panel--> sound applet. You'll probably find that the problem exists there too. This could be because you didn't push the 3.5mm audio jack in all the way or perhaps because your sound card driver changed the mode from Stereo to something else like 5.1 or quadrophonic. In your config, you need it to be stereo. If for some crazy reason you find the issue to be related to SimVibe, our support team can assist if you open a ticket here: https://www.simxperience.com/helpdesk/


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