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3 Replies

Is there any chance we may get SimVibe support for Flight Sims like DCS? I see that SimVibe supports X-Plane 10/11, but do not see support for other flight sims. This would be a huge help to many of us in the flight sim community. 

Best Answer

Hi Bernard,

Just dropped a mail.

We need help with all 3 products SimVibe, GS-5 and Simcommander license.

We can schedule time in your morning.



Best Answer

As Mark asked, is there any time frame for the development of DCS support?  DCS is currently developing/testing an Apache AH-64 helicopter module that should be released to the public soon.  It’s very popular in the DCS community.  Support for DCS would give Simxperience an opportunity to sell their great products to an expanded user base. 

Best Answer

DCS is on our development list. We intend support for Stage Series motion simulators, GS-5 G-Seat, G-Belt and SimVibe.


Great to hear! I'll be glad to try and help with any testing since I own all those products. Just reach out with the email address that's in your database. Thanks.

I that on a to do list for someday, or do you have any approximate idea of what time frame that would be?

I'd also be very interested. Thanks!

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