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Moved RF2 and ACC to another drive, games will not launch

Gary Hayes

My drive with my Steam games was getting full so I moved RF2 and ACC to a new drive, I pointed Simvibe to the new exe location but neither game will launch, there is a yellow exclamation mark on the game launchers.

I obviously moved the games using Steam, unsure how to fix the problem, they do launch through Steam.

2 Answers
Gary Hayes
Best Answer

Hi, thanks for the quick reply, that fixed it:)

Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

The easiest way would be to use our 'Reset Game' button. This will remove the game record & all profiles for the game, re-detect the game and put the profile back with factory defaults.

Alternatively, if you have a lot of profiles that you really want to keep for the game in question, you could just delete the game record, then Auto-Discover from the Sim Commander main screen:

Doing so will cause Sim Commander to find and create the game record for you correctly. You would then need to manually assign the newly created game record to your profiles, which at that point have no game record assigned to them because you deleted the game record that was assigned to them.

With either approach, what we're really doing is letting Sim Commander detect and create the game records.


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