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2 Replies

Hey all, just a quick question as this is my first real venture into using transducers on my rig w/ SimVibe. 

I have the game telemetry coming into SC4.5 and working, and a few of the effects (like engine vibration) are in fact working through SimVibe, but it seems like a lot of them do not. 

Is this a limitation of the outbound telemetry data the game provides, or am I missing something setup wise? 

Rig is configured currently with just a single shaker under the seat, with plans to add another to the front pedal plate. 

Thanks for any help on this one!

Best Answer

Same problem,

Only the engine vibration is working and nothing else.

Its been 2 months now and no news, so I will try to find another software that does work with Forza Motorsport.

Author Best Answer

I've played around a good bit since making this post, and did end up adding the second shaker to my rig. 

What I have found (or so it seems), is that it seems like a good bit of the outbound telemetry/effects from FM8, aren't being interpreted by SC4.5. Road bumps, Front suspension bumps, Gear shift (and a few others) do not produce any effects through simvibe at all, regardless of setting/intensity. Same goes for Road bumps when enabled within the Accuforce wheel section+using Foundation feedback. Disabling game FFB seems to break/disable a lot of the "non steering" type effects, and felt incredibly "empty" because of it. 

Port forwarding the same telemetry outbound to Simhub, results in all of the aforementioned effects are working. This tells me the game is sending the information OB in the telemetry data (which is what I suspected not to be the case when I made this post) but SC is not acting upon it/producing effects based on it? 

Is it possible that something is amiss with the way the FM8 profile within SC4.5 is interpreting the telemetry, ultimately resulting in these effects not working? 


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