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Why Do Audio Tones Play on Downshift?

Anthony Beck


New install of Simcommander 4, when SC4 is open audio tones play when I downshift, when SC4 is closed no audio tones are hear.

I have no idea what is going on here, please help.



1 Comment
Anthony Beck

I have just noticed that when I downshift in the box at the top of the SC4 window between the microphone and the folder icon it toggle displays between 'listening' and 'listening paused' does this indicate where the issue is?

1 Answer
Best Answer

SimVibe outputs sounds to your second sound card for the purpose of making tactile/vibrations of all sorts of things like your engine rpm's, road surface, bumps, gear shifts, etc... It is the only aspect of Sim Commander that generates sounds in response to vehicle telemetry.

It sounds like you probably have SimVibe misconfigured to output sound to the wrong sound card. 

Here is a tutorial on how to set your SimVibe sound card and test it:

Another possibility is that you mistakenly mapped your voice command button to your gear shifter.


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