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Where is the owners club?

Andres Rau

I remember back in 2018/2019 I had an option in simcommander where I was able search for other Accuforce owners settings and download it into a profile. 

I can't find that option anymore or anything like it. Is that option available somewhere? Is there a place where I can see other users settings to try?


2 Answers
Best Answer

Access to owners' profiles has been replaced by cloud profile

1 Comment
Stephan Haisley

But as Andres asked, is there a way to see other peoples settings for games like we used to with owners club shared settings?

Albert Jones
Best Answer

I've been looking for something similar where I can try other peoples settings to try to find something I didn't think of trying or adjusting. There is a Facebook group but its not quite what I was hoping for, there isn't much going as far as sharing settings/profiles.

I thought for sure there would be something out there like the old owners club for profile sharing but I have yet to see anything. 


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