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3 Replies

I was wondering why F1 2022 doesn't include the Launch in Vr button? Is it something I did wrong because in my tile for 2022 it shows F1 2021 in the lower left of the tile.



Hello I have the problem because despite the current update there is no VR support in the SC4. What can I do there?
thanks in advance

Christian Tschinkel

I do have the Steam version of F1. Also under my VR in SC4 I do have both oculus and steam vr in the options. I use the steam vr option.I also have both the rift-s and index, and have the latest version of SC4.

So I take it we have to use the  start in vr in the steam menu? We can't start the game with SC4 then?

Will my options as far as tuning my wheel work in F1 if I don't go through SC4 to start? It doesn't appear that it does!

Thanks for the quick response!



You probably didn't get the update I mentioned

Bernard, sorry you were right, I didn't have the latest version. Now I have the vr launch button.

I was wondering if the AF v2 wheel would work with my box from V1 wheel and also work with my wheel frames and button addons I bought from you? In other words, upgrade to the V2 wheel buying it for the $799 and work with what I have from Simexperience.


From: Bernard Villers Jr <catchall@simxperience.com>
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 10:28 AM
To: Daniel Bader <oi812610@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: VR and F1 2022

You probably didn't get the update I mentioned

Best Regards,

Berney Villers Jr
SimXperience Simulation


Sent by SimXperience using Odoo.

We released an update this holiday weekend that includes SteamVR support for the Steam version of F1 22. F1 22 doesn't appear to offer Oculus support at this time.

The Origin version (non-Steam) of F1 22 doesn't have a launch in VR button in Sim Commander because it will ask you each time you load it if you want VR or screens.


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