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I am frequently an early adopter as I like to get ahead of issues and investigate solutions where I can.  So, I went thru the BIOS to set up TPM 2.0 and everything else I could to make sure the transition to Windows 11 would be as smooth as possible.  Even so, I kind of assumed it would break a few things that I consider precious.  But as soon as I had upgraded my system to Windows 11, I noticed the folks behind SimXp had already begun patching for it.  Well done!

As a side note:  The operating system upgrade/installation took much longer than I expected on an overclocked i9 computer running with no hard drives (just SSDs).   (Allow at least 20 minutes).  And, I was pleasantly surprised that Google Chrome remained my default browser this time.

Caveat:  While I hope everyone else's experience with the upgrade to Windows 11 goes as well as it went for me, I know it will be rougher for some.  Most would advise waiting a bit before attempting the upgrade.  And, I think that is good advice.


Thanks for the heads up. We now have two machines on Windows 11 here at SimXperience and I'm somewhat shocked. The transition was simply flawless on both.

Only reason I have not move to 11 is VR is still a mess.

It turns out that Windows 11 has been a smooth transition for most customers. It's the rare OS upgrade success story. Thanks for sharing your experience.


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