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2 Replies

The way I've got my PC setup, I have Steam set up on one drive for Steam games (E:\).  I have a completely different drive set up for any kind of sims (racing, flight, space) (F:\).  So all of my Steam racing sims/games are in a different drive.  In SimXperience, I can set the Steam directory to where Steam is located (E:\), but since my Steam sims/games are in a different directory, it's not recognizing them.

How can I get simXperience to recognize the Steam Sim directory?


Great.  Thank you. 

In that case, I suspect that I was trying to add a game that is not supported by SimCommander (I didn't look it up, I just assumed).


I have Steam installed in the default location of C:\Profgram Files (x86\Steam. I think maybe I have a game or two in that steam install. 30 or 40 other games are all spread across 4 different additional hard drives in properly created Steam libraries that show up within the Steam UI.

Sim Commander looks to the C:\Profgram Files (x86\Steam location and finds information about all the other steam libraries and then crawls them as well.


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