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Have had my Accuforce wheel for 2 weeks now and suddenly Discord(voice app)) button keybind wont work when i launch a profile for iracing through Sim Commander.If I mouse click off of Sim commander screen and back on to the discord app screen with the mouse cursor Discord works again.I can even click on other apps and i hear discord working but it wont when i click on Sim commander. Any help is appreciated Thanks


I had same issue. Make a shortcut on your desktop for Discord. Then right click and run as adminstrator. It fixed mine.

Hi Shane,

Unchecking the box that "Allows Settings Window to take Focus" should prevent that if I remember correctly.


Thanks guys for the replies...Josh, I tried your recommendation but it still didn't work. It may be a windows 10 issue possibly on my computer. I do know if iRacing is started on its it own first and then start up Sim Commander, Discord works fine.

SC4 takes away window focus from some programs, you just have to drop it to taskbar and click back on Discord, just the way its always been.


The real answer is SimCommander needing to run with elevated admin rpiviledges causes the issue. If you launch DIscord normally...as you should...it can not communicate with the elevated session in which SimCommander is running. This is only a problem when you launch iRacing or any other sim from within SimCommander. Doing so causes the sim to be run with elevated priviledges as well so the other apps that are not running in the same elevated session can not communicate with the sim.

I'm only keenly aware of this after adjusting my SImCommander software to use iRacing via Launcher instead of iRacing via Web. When I do so SimCommander does not pick up that iRacing has been started externally. I launched two sessions from within SimCommander in the last two weeks and both races were compromised by iRPitcrew not being able to communicate with the iRacing running in the elevated session. 

I do not recall why Simexperience requires SimCommander to run with local admin priviledges but it really should not. It is bad form for modern software. Admin to install sure...admin to use not kosher. 


It's an unfortunate requirement. If you use the Launch Tasks to open any external processes, those will also launch elevated, which is how I handle things like Trading Paints, Z1, OBS, etc.

I don't want any software running with local admin rights. Period....

https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360030921431/comments/360005358651 has directions on how to launch Discord with elevated privileges.  I personally use Part 2.


I had this issue when I first got my Accuforce Pro V2, there was a thread on the old forums with the fix.  Basically you need to add the browser windows and sim commander program to into Discord.  I'll try to remember when I get home from work were and what files need to be added.

Edit:  need to add C:\Program Files (x86)\SimXperience\Sim Commander 4\commander4 and your browser to the Activity Status tab in Discord.  Also remove discord from the startup in windows and place a discord shortcut on the desktop and run it as Administrator.


Thanks Dave! i will do that

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