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Is it possible to have Sim Commander startup showing only my favourites? Most of the time I play one of three games so it would be nice to have only those show when I start Sim Commander instead of the many other sims installed on my computer.



We tried this in the past.

Unfortunately it resulted in hundreds of support tickets along the lines of: "My Sim Commander Profiles Vanished" or angry posts suggesting that we caused them to lose some profile they spent days making, etc.. 

You would be surprised how many people don't even know enough about Sim Commander to know what the home buttons and favorites (star) buttons do.

We also tried remembering your last choice of Favorites vs All Profiles/Home on Sim Commander restarts. That had a slightly worse result.

The way we had to leave it is that those who know what the favorites functionality is must make a single-click to toggle between all their profiles and their favorites. Basically, no matter what you last selected, when you restart Sim Commander, it goes back to showing all the profiles.


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