Will the new iracing log in coding changes happening in 3 weeks affect us being able to launch iracing from simcommander software? They say it will affect 3rd party software...thanks,
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Ah, sorry about the link. One of Iracing staff mentioned the below in Season 3 build (not his entire thread). Just an FYI in case it affects us or if you were not aware. thanks again.
"With the Season 3 release, currently planned for the week of June 6th, we will be changing how the various
endpoints expect user credentials to be submitted. This will affect any 3rd party applications which authenticate with the website, including/data
. The current login endpoints submit the password in plain text over HTTPS (encrypted in transit).With the Season 3 release, these endpoints will begin sending the password as a Base64 encoded string (still transmitted via HTTPS) using the following steps."