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Micro stuttering with Sim Commander

Giuseppe Colamarco


I hope you can help me:
I am experiencing a micro stuttering problem when I play with rFactor2 and Sim commander active ; I thought it was the telemetry recording but the problem persists even when I turn off the recording.
I recently changed hardware : CPU i5 13600k, Ram 32Gb  , MB MSI Z690, the video card instead remained RTX 2080Ti. ( updated drivers) .. games are installed on SSD .
the operating system is Windows 11 Pro

the micro stuttering does it only with rFactor 2 ; with many other Sims I have no problem .

...thanks in advance for the help and happy holidays

1 Answer
Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

This isn't something we see on our Stage 5 Alienware PC's and there aren't other reports of it. I suspect it's related to your new hardware and/or drivers or windows updates happening in the background since it's a new setup for you. Perhaps the rFactor 2 users groups might be more helpful. 

1 Comment
Giuseppe Colamarco

Thank you Bernard, I will follow your advice.

For now I solved it like this : I open rFactor 2 , ALT Tab , only after that I open Simcommander and back in game everything works perfectly. I use this method also for AMS2 , iRacing,Rennsport ;

I seem to notice that it works much smoother in Frametime.

ps: analyzed with CapFrameX

Thank you I will follow your advice.

For now I solved it like this : I open rFactor 2 , ALT Tab , only after that I open Simcommander and back in game everything works perfectly. I use this method also for AMS2 , iRacing,Rennsport ;

I seem to notice that it works much smoother in Frametime.

ps: analyzed with CapFrameX


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