Is it possible to hide the filter pop-up in SC4 when the app launches?
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Is it possible to hide the filter pop-up in SC4 when the app launches?
If you mean the effect-level filters in the output mixer (shown above), there is no method of automatically hiding all of them with a UI accessible feature. By default, we hide the filter tabs for effects that won't behave well when filtered, otherwise they are visible.
Why would you like to hide them all?
No, I mean the filter options in the bottom right corner of the launch window. The one with three pull-down menus for game, vehicle and venue. It can be hidden by clicking the magnifying glass icon, but I'd rather not see it at all. It blocks my games and I've never used it in all the years I've been using SC.
I'm sorry. There is a way to hide the entire bottom section of the main screen for commercial environments, but not a way to hide only the filters section.