Sim Commander Community Q&A


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Gran Turismo 7 support

Dan Marder

I know this is a longshot, but any chance Sim Commander will ever support Gran Turismo 7? I'm using Sim Racing Studio, but SC has superior fidelity for bass transducer effects - especially engine RPM.

1 Answer
Best Answer

We support any racing games that output telemetry data for consumption by 3rd parties at a rate of at least 60Hz. To the best of our knowledge, Gran Turismo does not provide telemetry data via UDP or shared memory for 3rd party consumption. If anyone else is supporting it, then they are hacking the game, and reading telemetry from game memory. which will break every time the game is updated.

1 Comment
Dan Marder

The other products that support Gran Turismo 7 and Sport are getting the telemetry from private APIs that were discovered last summer. Although Polyphony Digital doesn't officially support these APIs for public use, they probably realize that they are being used in several products and haven't disabled them or changed the decryption key. I understand why you wouldn't want to support this game. I had to ask, though! Thanks for the reply.

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