When using the cloud tuning feature the G force setting for the seat acceleration (longitudinal) response is always set equal to braking. Many/most/all the cars actually generate much greater G forces during braking than during acceleration. Given that the recorded lap telemetrey shows the "real time" motion related data and provides values that appear positive and negative (braking vs. accelerating) it would seem to me that the data to set this value is available. Not knowing where the braking g force value comes from, if the acceleration value is not available perhaps perhaps it could be calculated by dividing the absolute maximum negative value from the in motion g force longitudinal data by the sum of the absolute positive and absolute negative value to arrive with a percentage of the braking g force value that could be entered in the acceleration g force setting. My appologies for junior engineering the solution. The cloud tuning function is very useful as is as it is easy to pop into the settings and reduce the accleration g force value but it would be nice if a more representative value was generated.
1 Answer
Hi Chris,
Cloud tuning data collection started before we had a GS-5.
You are correct in that the peak acceleration G-Force will differ from the peak braking G-Force. However, for most motion devices, it makes perfect sense to have the G-Force scaling on either side of 0 be identical.
If you have a preference for something different, you do have some options.
Let's say that a car has 3G of braking and 1.5G of acceleration but we fill in 3G across the board to make the effect symmetrical on each side of 0. To keep the example simple, lets say that both effects are set to 100% intensity. You could set the acceleration intensity slider to 200% and it would be the same as if you had set a value of 1.5G inside the effect.
What's more, the intensity sliders are user preferences. They are not changed by cloud tuning. Your preference for doubling the output of the acceleration effect (which again is the same as reducing the G value by 50%) will remain as you transition from vehicle to vehicle with that profile.