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3 Replies

I realize Forza Motorsport is EA current, but will it be supported? I notice Accuforce is not among the wheels officially supported, but see like recent Forza games that FM has telemetry outputs.  


Just ran Forza Motorsport on Steam with the new SC4 update.  I set data out to IP, and Port 10001 in car dash format.  And, I can confirm it works beautifully.  Port forwarding is also working.  So, once again, hats off to you guys at SimXperience.

While I managed to get Forza Motorsport running quite decently on the Accuforce Pro V2 without SimCommander4.5, the fact is SimCommander with telemetry enhances the experience.

As an aside, I am running a 9900k processor and an nvidia 4700 graphics card with the latest windows update (as of yesterday) and the latest nvidia drivers.  I turned off raytracing and motion blur but I left most everything else at high or ultra.  And, at 3440x1440, I am running a solid 75 fps and that is WITH SimCommander4.5 running.  Moreover, there was no perceptible drop in frame rate associated with running SimCommander4.5 on my system.


Thanks.  I did get Stream version, and after I posted the question, I did spend time to do an unsupported game in SimCommander and got it to a decent point, but true support, for wheel and chassis would be great.  I'm away right now so won't have chance to try out until like next Friday, but looking forward to it.


Forza Motorsport 8 (steam version) is supported starting with Sim Commander The download file released this morning. The update is likely to me out this afternoon.


Hi Bernie, auto discover doesn't pick up Forza 8 with PC Game Pass version. Can't seem to get it to manually configure. Is it compatible? Auto Discover picked up my Forza Horizon from PC Game Pass. Thanks.

Same question as Steve... will you be supporting PC Game Pass (Windows Store) version? Won't detect it currently.

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