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3 Replies


I know that RBR is an old title, but is a continuously developed game as well, mainly on rallysimfans.hu, and this is the only game I have time for.

Does the currently compiled RBR Sim Commander game-plugin use the UDP telemetry data from the game if I enable them in NGP6 plugin and are sent to port 10001?


Currently Sim Commander is trying to read telemetry data from memory, but this breaks when different groups hack the exe file, changing the memory addresses of the telemetry values we need. It was last working with RBR SSE.

If there is an official documented UDP interface and some instructions for how to get some new flavor of RBR up and running, I can take a look at it.


Hello, any updates with RBR?

I would also love if the latest RBR would work as well!

Also interested. As annoying as it is to deal with a hacked game (not only on your end, but on ours as well), rallysimfans RBR is really the only legit rally sim. I'm sure the dev (WorkerBee) would bend over backwards to help you integrate. Although others have made registry hacks to get their Accuforces working, it's never done the trick for me. Here is the discord for the game, the dev responds directly to support q's: https://discord.com/invite/pQ4vJvR

I asked what you need, get answer it is manual  "ReadMe.PhysicsNG.txt"
So i put in google drive files: google drive link
link dont want to work so:

i hope it helps, if dont, i can try ask more detail what need`ed.

P.S. simhub reads car, tracks, times and more (maybe how him reads rbr data can help)

P.S.2. The values which are emitted are hardcoded, the transmitted structure can be

found in "rbr.telemetry.TelemetryData.h" in the directory




any update for motion on RBR from Rallysimfans.hu?

Hi, I'll open the discussion again. 

After a long break, I have started to work with RBR again. At the moment I'm using the installation from Rallysimfans.hu and everything is working so far. Now I have started to create a motion profile (2 DoF) from scratch. Some effects are already very good, some fine tuning is still missing. However, I get no output for cornering, loss of traction of the rear axle and lateral acceleration - so everything that moves to the left or right is not available, everything that is directed forwards and backwards works.

To check, I did a test with the motion control from simtools.us. Here the game outputs telemetry data for cornering (sway).  So the game should provide sufficient telemetry data.

Have I forgotten something or done something wrong? In other games Simcommander works very well, all movements are available.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I just got my RSFRBR to work and now I realize my Rear traction Loss doesn't respond. It would be the best to have it be working with all the sliding you do in this RBR sim. Anything anyone can do to bring this to life would raise the bar on what is already amazing! What about the vanilla + 1.02 update, can it work there? That has no .exe hacks, right?

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