I know this has been asked before including by me. What is neeedd to get Sim Commander (SC) to reliably detect iRacing. With my current config SC launches iRacing but does not detect iRacing. I need to close the Status window and "launch" iRacing again. I can post my config but if someone has a working config let me know the incantation to make it work. I expect this is a known thing that I am missing.
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Settings (gear icon) --> Games-->iRacing-->Check the 'Stay Connected' checkbox.
This has been the default setting for any Sim Commander install made in the last 1.5-2 years or so.
That's all you will need to do assuming you haven't edited or deleted the default game records for iRacing via Website or iRacing Via Launcher.
Worst case scenario, you can uninstall Sim Commander to get rid of any changes you made and install fresh because this all works in a default install without issue.
Per Help Desk ticket #3,569 where I provided screen shots of my setup this was resolved (mostly) by re-creating my config for "iRacing Via Launcher". Thanks for that.
I already had "Stay Connected" checkbox enabled. I don't see this checkbox changing behavior for me at all (whether it is set or unset). I will open separate Help Desk ticket for that.
I can't delete my erroneous answer in lieu of comment due to insufficient "karma"