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This has honestly been something I've struggled with for years and have never really understood why it happens. Sometimes during cornering my seat will just fall over to what seems like 100% actuator movement for really no good reason that I can understand. In this video example you can see how rapidly it completely falls when I transition back to the right. My basic settings for cornering on this profile are 60% intensity @ 2g's, with Clip to Max G Value checked. (TBH I'm not even sure if that appropriate. I always assumed that would limit the extent the actuators will move the seat). Looking at telemetry for this lap the car is reaching maximum lateral G of 2.37 on the left turn of the chicane, but only 1.73G on the right turn when the seat falls over so far. Why does this happen? What can I do to keep this from happening? 


This just looks like misconfiguration. I would suggest resetting the profile to default settings and enabling cloud tuning so that we automatically fill in the correct G-Force values for the car. Then, if you want more cornering feel, turn up the intensity of that effect in small increments until you are satisfied.

How To Reset a Profile To Default Settings | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies


Thanks. Is there a documented breakdown of all the tunable options anywhere? The autoset is pretty nice once I turn off a few things that make it a bit overwhelming. It is still a bit much sometimes I feel, mostly because excessive bumpiness (even with "bumps" turned off) makes my headphones shift. Intensity affects the overall maximum movement correct? There's all kinds of filters and whatnot available. Are these mostly intended for use with custom simulator setups?

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