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I wanted to make a post to make sure that I'm not missing anything. The Toyota Tundra has been out for around half a year and has now gone to repeat tracks. I never hear the prompt for a successful cloud tune when using this truck in the service. 

I feel other cars usually got a profile within a week or two of it coming out on the service. Does a cloud tune exist for this truck? I get a successful cloud tune when I load with the other models. 


It might be that you have a cached copy of an earlier cloud dataset for that vehicle. We'll be releasing a Sim Commander update in about 1.5 weeks with an updated cloud cache for all iRacing vehicles. If you find that the problem persists thereafter, please open a support ticket here: https://www.simxperience.com/helpdesk/


Thank you. The most recent update seems to have fixed this.

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