GS-5 Community Q&A


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Which cable goes to which port?


Hi .. I've recently dismantled my sim rig because I was moving. I have forgotten where each of the 4 cables (Back Left, Back Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left) goes into which port in the controller box. The labels on the cables are there but I think I might have lost/peeled off the labels on the controller box.

Can someone please help me? I've looked at the GS-5 Quick Start Guide but there is no indication there.

Thank you. 

1 Answer
Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

There is a memory chip in the cable that defines which panel it is. Sim Commander reads these memory chips to send the correct data to the correct panel.

Therefore, any GS-5 cable can go to any port on the GS-5 controller. 

1 Comment

Thanks a lot Bernie :-)

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