Hello, I'm going to buy the GS-5 but I also need a new rig. Will the GS-5 bolt to most "standard" static rigs?
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Hello, I'm going to buy the GS-5 but I also need a new rig. Will the GS-5 bolt to most "standard" static rigs?
Before I answer my own question, I will add to my question above. I’ve always had a self-made wood rig except for the original Obutto cockpit which I integrated into my wooden cockpit so that is the reason for my question above as I had 0 experience with modern rigs.
Now to my answer. Yes the GS- 5 should bolt into most modern aluminum extrusion profiles that have t-slots and more than likely it will fit on rigs that are not aluminum extrusion (you may have to drill a hole or 2). I purchased an ASR 4 gen 2 rig and I got the GS-5 bolted on without any issue. I did try to add a seat slider but the holes did not line-up with the g-seat holes and I did not want to drill but it was easy to get the g-seat where I wanted it so no biggie. I did find it easier to remove the seat brackets from the g-seat and then install them on the rig then mount the seat into the seat brackets.